Science & Tech

New Apple feature reduces motion sickness when looking at screen in vehicle

New Apple feature reduces motion sickness when looking at screen in vehicle
Here is the Reason We Tend to Get Motion Sickness in a …
ZMG - Buzz60 / VideoElephant

Do you ever get motion sickness when staring down at your iPhone or iPad?

The new Vehicle Motion Cues feature unveiled by Apple is among one of many latest accessibility features that the tech giant is rolling out.

This tool aims to help reduce this problem so you can scroll through your feeds while moving with ease rather than nausea.

(So hopefully any vomiting or vertigo-induced travel sickness from us trying to preoccupy ourselves on a car journey is a thing of the past!)

There are animated black dots on the edges of the screen that represent changes in vehicle motion to help reduce sensory conflict, so when a vehicle turns right or left or suddenly stops, the black dots will move across the screen in a certain direction.

Also, the dots are small enough so they don't interfere with whatever content you're looking at.

In addition, iPhones and iPads can tell when a user is inside a moving vehicle thanks to both products having built-in sensors.

This is what the Vehicle Motion Cues look like as the black dots on the screen aim to reduce motion sickness.Apple

"Research shows that motion sickness is commonly caused by a sensory conflict between what a person sees and what they feel, which can prevent some users from comfortably using iPhone or iPad while riding in a moving vehicle," Apple said, explaining the purpose of the new feature.

Users can set this feature automatically on their iPhone or it can be manually turned on and off in the Control Center.

Elsewhere, a new Apple iPad trailer gets huge social media backlash.

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