Kate Plummer
Jun 15, 2021

Union flag
Getty Images/iStockphoto
A Tory councillor was ordered to quell his patriotism and take down Union flags he had plastered all over his office.
Guido Fawkes reports that Councillor Sean Brockbank, leader of the North Tyneside Conservatives, received a message from council official Bryn Roberts telling him the flags were not “appropriate” and informing him that they will be removed.
The message reportedly said: “Hi Councillor Brockbank - whilst delivering post today, it was noted that the above pictures, together with a quantity of Union Flag bunting, has been erected in the Conservative Group Room.
“This is not an appropriate use of the room (and risks becoming an overtly political matter in an apolitical venue), so I will make arrangements for them to be removed at the end of the day.
“I would be grateful if you could reinforce to your group that the facility is provided within a publicly funded building and, as such, should not be used in this fashion”.
Tories go mad for the Union flag – spending taxpayer money to fly it from buildings and claiming it should be flown from schools. At one point, they even wanted to put it on the Oxford vaccine. No, really.
But despite being mocked for all of the above, as well as receiving this latest slap on the wrist, the Newcastle-dwelling council members did not lose their spirit. A spokesperson from North Tyneside Conservatives told The Daily Mail: “The Union Flag is part of our national identity and is indeed flown in government buildings up and down the country – it is astonishing that this is not allowed in North Tyneside.
“The flag is one of the most recognisable symbols of the UK across the world, people look to it as a sign of hope and freedom - we firmly believe it should be flown, and indeed displayed with pride.”
Shame no-one else agrees, then.
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