
Elon Musk and Andrew Tate endorse Tucker Carlson as he platforms 'Nazi apologist' Darryl Cooper

Elon Musk and Andrew Tate endorse Tucker Carlson as he platforms 'Nazi apologist' Darryl Cooper

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World Leadership Summit 2024

In further evidence of Elon Musk’s Twitter/X embracing hard-right and far-right ideology, both the SpaceX founder and controversial online internet personality Andrew Tate have thrown their support behind ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and his interview with a podcaster and commentator dubbed a “Nazi apologist” by many on social media.

Carlson, who was sacked from Fox News last year, released the two-hour long interview with Martyr Made host Darryl Cooper on Monday, in a tweet which said his guest “may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States”.

This “historian”, however, during their discussion, made the claim that former British prime minister Winston Churchill was the “chief villain” of the Second World War – as opposed to Adolf Hitler who oversaw the genocide of approximately six million Jews as part of the Holocaust.

Cooper told Carlson: “He didn’t kill the most people, he didn’t commit the most atrocities, but I believe … when you really get into it and tell the story right and don’t leave anything out, you see he was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did – becoming something other than an invasion of Poland.”

He also claimed Germany “put themselves into a position” where they were “completely unprepared” to deal with “millions of millions prisoners of war” – to the extent that a Nazi commandant supposedly suggested that rather than “wait for them all to slowly starve” to death in the concentration camps, it would be “more humane” to “finish them off now”.

We can’t quite believe we have to write this, but there was absolutely nothing “humane” about the Nazis, nor the mass murder of millions of Jewish people by the Nazis, who were driven by fascism.

According to the Weiner Holocaust Library, 91 Jews were killed in the looting and ransacking of Jewish shops that was Kristallnacht, and 33,771 Jews were murdered at Babi Yar, in occupied Ukraine – both atrocities occurred away from the concentration camps.

There was also Aktion T-4, implemented before the systematic murder of Jews in “the final solution”, which was about the mass murder of disabled children in Germany in the pursuit of racial “integrity” – the operation was about eliminating what they considered “life unworthy of life”.

The interview has since received widespread condemnation as “pro-Nazi propaganda” and “revisionism”:

Meanwhile, in a since deleted tweet, Musk himself claimed the video was “very interesting” and “worth watching”, while Tate said it offered “extremely important insights”.

Cooper has since responded to the criticism of his interview with Carlson by claiming those “upset” about the conversation possess “emotional incontinence”.

Though it’s not the first time Cooper has published favourable opinions of the Nazis, as when right-wingers objected to drag queens appearing during the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony in July, the broadcaster claimed – in a tweet which has since been deleted – that an image of Hitler in Nazi-occupied Paris was “infinitely preferable” than the sporting event.


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