
Is Trump getting a mistrial? 'S**t poster' Michael Anderson's comment sparks conspiracy theories

Is Trump getting a mistrial? 'S**t poster' Michael Anderson's comment sparks conspiracy theories
Donald Trump says he does not think about stress
Dr. Phil

Donald Trump's conviction of 34 felony charges was briefly thrown into disarray on Friday after a disclosure from Judge Juan Merchan but it now appears to have been an elaborate internet hoax.

On Friday, Judge Merchan disclosed to both legal parties that were involved in Trump's hush money trial that he had been made aware of a Facebook account that appeared to have inside knowledge of the verdict before it was announced.

If this were true and there was evidence that a member of the jury had leaked information then it would be seen as very strong grounds for the conviction and the trial itself to be thrown out.

The account in question had posted a comment on the New York Court's Facebook page. The post came from an individual named Michael Anderson who wrote: "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted."

Although it is unclear when the comment was posted it soon went viral, with Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists calling for a mistrial and Trump's conviction to be stricken from the record.

It's not known who Anderson is or if his cousin was a jury member but he does appear to have caught wind of the commotion the comment has caused.

In a follow-up comment, Anderson wrote: "Take it easy ... I'm a professional s---poster."

Anderson continued by adding: "In Internet culture, s----posting or trashposting is the act of using an online forum or social media page to post content that is of 'aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality.' S---posts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort. It may even sometimes be orchestrated as part of a coordinated flame war to render a website unusable by its regular visitors."

Social media has played a massive part in the Trump trial since his conviction with the former president becoming an instant hit on TikTok and rapper 50 Cent declaring that the 'world is over' after seeing how many millions had been donated to the Trump campaign after the guilty verdict.

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