
Trump's team gives blunt response to claims he had a lisp during Elon Musk interview

Trump's team gives blunt response to claims he had a lisp during Elon Musk interview
Elon Musk interviews Donald Trump for 2 hours on X after delay
Straight Arrow News / VideoElephant

Donald Trump’s campaign team has hit back in no uncertain terms at claims the former president could be heard speaking with a “lisp” during his interview with Elon Musk.

The conversation between the pair was hit by technical problems and pushed back 40 minutes, before Trump was allowed to spread more disinformation and criticise his “stupid” opponents.

However, the biggest talking point was around the sound of Trump’s voice, with some claiming to have heard him develop a lisp.

It could have been a result of the technical issues, but people on social media were quick to point out the change to his voice – leading some to ask whether Trump was wearing dentures.

Musk's conversation with Trump was beset with technical problemsGetty

“Did Trump pause campaign rallies because of this massive lisp he has on this Twitter interview with Elon?” one X user posted.

“Is it just me….. What is wrong with trumps voice??” another wrote. “Sound like he has a lisp??”

It led to much speculation online, and now his campaign has rebutted the claims with a very bold statement.

In an emailed response to an inquiry about the lisp from a Huffington Post reporter, the Trump campaign said, “Must be your s****y hearing. Get your ears checked.”

Meanwhile, Trump held a seemingly pointless press conference last week, where he compared himself to Martin Luther King Jr, which resulted in him being called an 'old racist uncle' by his own niece.

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