
Trump's AI Kamala Harris crowd size conspiracy easily debunked with video evidence

Trump's AI Kamala Harris crowd size conspiracy easily debunked with video evidence
Kamala Harris Draws Massive Crowd in Detroit
Maven - Meidas Touch / VideoElephant

Former President Donald Trump falsely accussed his Democrat rival Vice President Kamala Harris of doctering photos of the crowd size at one of her recent campaign rallies using AI technology.

Taking to Truth Social on Sunday (August 11), the 78-year-old posted: "Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.‘d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!”

He added in another post: "Look, we caught her with a fake 'crowd.' There was nobody there!"

The photo Trump is referring to is of Harris as she stepped out of Air Force Two with a large crowd on the tarmac welcoming her to the campaign rally in Michigan.

The post where Trump falsely accused Harris for using AITruth Social

As a result, this incorrect conspiracy has spread across the internet by Republican commentators and MAGA supporters.

But the Harris campaign was quick to debunk this as they replied that it's "an actual photo of a 15,000-person crowd for Harris-Walz in Michigan.”

"Trump has still not campaigned in a swing state in over a week... Low energy?" the Kamala HQ account hit back.

Due to the number of supporters at the Harris-Walz campaign rally, video footage posted from the crowd was also able to inevitably debunk Trump's claim.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter user Micah Erfan responded to the conspiracy theory by sharing a video of a packed crowd which matched the image that was supposedly created by AI.

"Y'all are dying on the dumbest hill possible," he wrote, which garnered over 3.6m views, and 69,000 likes.

Meanwhile, Trump also took to Truth Social on Saturday (August 10) to accuse Harris of copying his policy proposal to get rid of taxes on tips after the VP announced this at her rally in Las Vegas.

″[Harris] has no imagination, whatsoever, as shown by the fact that she played ‘COPYCAT’ with, NO TAXES ON TIPS!” Trump wrote.

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