
Kerry Katona stuns fans by making bizarre offer to Donald Trump

Kerry Katona stuns fans by making bizarre offer to Donald Trump
Trump reveals Biden's seven-word response to assassination attempt on phone
Fox News

Of all the people we expected to get involved in the run-up to the 2024 US presidential election, we have to admit Kerry Katona was not one of them.

The former Atomic Kitten star has taken it upon herself to reach out to Donald Trump on social media.

That much in itself isn’t so weird – people reach out to Trump all the time online. But the odd thing is, she’s offered to give him advice. Advice on what, we’re not so sure.

After Joe Biden withdrew from the race, leaving Kamala Harris poised to take over for the Democrats in the election race, Katona reached out with a strange request.

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"Hey @realDonaldTrump I’m flying over to come and give you some advice… you up for chat?" she wrote.

Katona also wrote about Trump in her OK! column recently, saying: “I can’t believe the Donald Trump shooting, I think it’s crazy. I know it’s controversial, but I really like him. I don’t agree with everything he says but I do like him for the most part.”

She also said she thought Trump was “much better than Joe Biden".

Who knows where Katona might next pop up as election fever grips the US?

It comes after Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. The 81-year-old Democrat announced the news following pressure in recent weeks. It's a historic moment as this makes Biden the first sitting president since Lyndon B. Johnson dropped out of a US presidential race in 1968.

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