
Trump's excuse for deleted 'unified Reich' video has one big problem

Trump's excuse for deleted 'unified Reich' video has one big problem
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The campaign team for US President Joe Biden has pointed out the one big problem with an excuse used by Donald Trump’s team, surrounding the controversy with the deleted 'unified Reich' video.

Trump was accused of “echoing Nazi Germany” by Biden’s team with a clip that was posted on Trump’s Truth Social account.

The clip featured mocked-up newspaper articles about a hypothetical Trump win in the upcoming election, with one of the stories referring to “the creation of a unified Reich”.

Reich is synonymous with Adolf Hitler’s description of Germany as the “third Reich” during his time in power in the 30s and 40s.

After Biden’s team accused the video of “echoing Nazi Germany”, Trump’s campaign spokesperson Leavitt responded with a statement saying that it was a video “created by a random account” that was “reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word”.

However, Biden’s team has hit back again by pointing out the one big problem with that excuse – and it looks like they’ve found a pretty significant hole in the argument.

Posting on the official Biden-Harris HQ Twitter/X account, Biden’s team hit back by saying: “Trump’s press secretary claims Trump’s ad calling for a ‘UNIFIED REICH’ was posted by a random unknown ‘staffer’.

“Here is Trump saying that only he and his top right-hand man, Dan Scavino, have access to post on his social media accounts.”

It comes after footage surfaced of former US president Trump appearing to ‘glitch’ for more than 30 seconds during a speech to the National Rifle Association in Texas on Saturday.

Trump, meanwhile, took to Truth Social to attack the campaign team of his presidential election rival Joe Biden for “[putting] out a fake story” about his freezing up on stage.

“The Biden Campaign, however, put out a Fake Story that I ‘froze’ for 30 seconds, going into the ‘Musical Interlude’ section, when in actuality, the 30 to 60 second period of silence is standard in every one of my Speeches where we use the Music. Check out any of my Speeches!

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