
Bill Clinton roasts Trump for his 'endless tributes' to Hannibal Lecter

Bill Clinton roasts Trump for his 'endless tributes' to Hannibal Lecter
Clinton slams Trump as selfish, vengeful and old

Bill Clinton summed up how many of us were feeling when he made a joke about Donald Trump’s bizarre obsession with Hannibal Lecter at the Democratic National Convention.

The former president was making a speech on Wednesday night (August 21) when he discussed Trump’s recent habit of discussing “the late, great, Hannibal Lecter”.

Lecter is, of course, a fictional villain created by American novelist Thomas Harris. While the character has been played by Brian Cox and Mads Mikkelsen across various TV shows and films, Lecter is probably best known on screen in the film Silence of the Lambs played by Anthony Hopkins.

Despite being a fictional character, it hasn't stopped Trump from referencing him while delivering speeches when speaking about immigration – and he even seems to think he is real.

Clinton spoke about Trump’s strange habit, telling the audience: “When you send a signal to the other countries, you want them to know, whether they agree with you or not, at least that you’re on the level.

“What are they supposed to make of these endless tributes to the ‘late, great Hannibal Lecter’?”

“President Obama once gave me the great honour of saying I was ‘the explainer in chief.’ Folks, I’ve thought and thought about it, and I don’t know what to say.”

Last month, during a speech in Charlotte, North Carolina when speaking about immigration, Trump mentioned Lecter once again.

"They're coming not just from South America but from Africa, from Asia, from the Middle East," Trump said.

"They're coming from everywhere. They're coming from all over the world, from prisons and jails, mental institutions and insane asylums!

"You know, they go crazy when I say the late great Hannibal Lecter, okay? They say, 'why would he mention Hannibal Lecter? He must be cognitively in trouble'.

"No, no. These are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs. He's a lovely man. He wants to have you for dinner. He'd like to have you for dinner."

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