
Sunak claps back at Lib Dems after ‘photobomb’ stunt

Sunak claps back at Lib Dems after ‘photobomb’ stunt
Rishi Sunak photobombed by Lib Dems boat during election campaign stop

Not content with grabbing media attention of their own accord with wacky publicity stunts involving leader Sir Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrats are now stealing other parties’ thunder in the form of photobombs – in yet further proof that the party is certainly having the most fun on the campaign trail.

Davey has previously fallen into Lake Windemere, skidded down the streets of Wales on a bike, and sped down a slip-n-slide ride near Frome in Somerset, but now, the Lib Dems have pulled off a “brilliant” stunt taking aim at the Tories as Rishi Sunak campaigned in Henley, Oxfordshire.

In footage captured by ITV News, Sunak was sat chatting to a group of people by the riverfront – a plate of doughnuts in view – before a member of his team tried to catch his attention to warn him of the incoming PR disaster.

Sunak brushed it aside, saying he’ll “keep going” with the conversation, only for the camera to spot a boat – containing deputy Lib Dem leader Daisy Cooper and bunch of campaigners – waving orange diamond signs enthusiastically.

The Liberal Democrats further poked fun at the Conservatives by describing the stunt as “just another small boat Rishi Sunak can’t deal with”.

Sunak himself soon took to Twitter/X to fire back at his electoral rivals, writing: “Classic Lib Dems, always selling voters down the river.”

Other social media users, however, are absolutely loving the “brilliant” and “hilarious” stunt:

It’s just the latest gaffe from the Tories since the election was announced, with Sunak confirming the date in the pouring rain without an umbrella, speaking out against ‘Mickey Mouse’ degrees before being pictured looking like the Disney mascot, and posting a video mocking Labour’s plans only for it to backfire massively – just to name a few.

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