
Liz Truss gets roasted for defending disastrous mini budget two years on

Liz Truss gets roasted for defending disastrous mini budget two years on
'That's not funny!' Liz Truss storms off stage as ex-PM's event interrupted …
GB News Videos / VideoElephant

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss posted a video on social media defending her failed Mini Budget two years on and it was absolutely roasted almost immediately.

On September 23 2022, Truss announced a Mini Budget which included £45billion of unfunded tax cuts with the promise that she and her Government would fix the country's ailing economy.

But it had the exact opposite effect with a number of claims she "crashed the economy" as mortgage rates skyrocketed and pensions were put at serious risk, so much so that the Bank of England had to bail them out to secure them.

It's the main reason her tenure as PM lasted just 45 days, the shortest of any UK Prime Minister in history.

"If the Mini Budget hadn't been undermined by the economic establishment, things would be different now," Truss said in a video posted on X / Twitter.

"The economy would be growing, people would be paying lower energy bills thanks to getting on with fracking, corporations would want to locate in the UK because of our relatively low tax rates.

"The self-employed would be doing more business thanks to improvements in IR35 and we would see a more dynamic, go-getting economy."

Truss went on to explain in detail how she thinks the budget would have worked if it wasn't for "failings" of other organisations and gave her take on how the economy could grow now.

But social media users in the comments are having none of it and Truss has been getting pelters.

Satirist Henry Morris commented: "Not saying don't trust this women [sic], but she's organised her books by the colour on the spine, rather than by what's inside them."

"Might I remind you that you are no longer even a humble backbench MP," said another.

One said: "When Truss says, 'What has happened is the continuation of economic policies that weren't working', is she aware that those policies were the policies of HER party? For 14+ years?"

Another posted a picture of a lettuce with a face.

The Daily Star began a livestream in October 14 2022 asking if Truss' tenure would outlast that of a lettuce.

The lettuce had a shelf life of 10 days and Truss resigned just six days after the stream started with the Daily Star declaring the lettuce had won.

One said her Mini Budget "crashed the economy".

Another branded Truss an "idiot".

"You literally crashed the economy and made people lose homes," said one comment.

And another said: "Thanks but my mortgage is still hundreds of pounds higher thanks to you."

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