
Liz Truss criticises Kamala Harris for being unable to ‘do the job’

Liz Truss criticises Kamala Harris for being unable to ‘do the job’

Related video: Liz Truss discusses shower heads at a breakfast event of the Republican National Convention


They say kids in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, but when it comes to Liz Truss’ comments about current US vice president and potential Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, she’s practically lobbing a boulder.

Truss, who is continuing to try and rebuild her reputation after becoming the shortest-serving UK prime minister last year and losing her job as the MP for South West Norfolk earlier this month, has turned her attention to America in recent weeks.

After embarrassing herself on Fox News back in April while trying to promote her book, she’s now talking about shower heads at the Republican National Convention, endorsing Donald Trump as the next Potus, and has been criticising Kamala Harris because she “has not proven, as vice president, she can do the job”.

Yes, really.

Appearing once again on the controversial, aforementioned news channel, Truss said: “I think there have been some brilliant American women in politics, but I don’t think Kamala Harris is one of them.

“What I hate is identity politics. We shouldn’t care if somebody is an ethnic minority, we shouldn’t care if they’re a woman. We should be caring about ‘can they do the job’ and she has not proven, as vice president, she can do the job.

“I think we’re going to see a situation similar to what we saw in the UK. I think there will be a landslide against the incumbent party because they have not delivered for the American people.”

Truss really is the gift which keeps on giving…

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