
JD Vance mocked after drawing 'more than 200' to the ECW Arena: "Sub-Sandman numbers"

JD Vance mocked after drawing 'more than 200' to the ECW Arena: "Sub-Sandman numbers"
JD Vance: Walz 'has to answer' for 2020 riots
Fox - Fox 9 / VideoElephant

JD Vance's campaign to become vice president hasn't gotten off the greatest start after being mocked with a succession of memes about couches and dolphins and now wrestling after holding a rally at the former ECW Arena in Philadelphia.

Vance was picked to be Donald Trump's running mate in July but hasn't endeared himself to the masses due to a series of gaffes and controversial quotes.

The Ohio senator would have presumed that his first campaign stop in Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia's 2300 Arena would have been a fairly routine affair but he maybe should have done a bit more research into the history of the venue.

To many people, mostly wrestling fans, the 2300 Arena is better known as the 'ECW Arena' which was predominantly used by the professional wrestling company Extreme Championship Wrestling between 1993 and 2000.

For the uninitiated, ECW was a wrestling promotion that was an alternative to the mainstream pomp of WWE and WCW in the 1990s and had a strong emphasis on weapons-based, or 'hardcore' wrestling as well as putting a great deal of focus on other wrestling styles from around the globe including Mexico and Japan.

The ECW Arena was their primary venue during their existence but such is its legacy that it continues to be used by wrestling companies to this day including CZW, IWA-MS, MLW and Chikara.

According to WHYY, Vance pulled a crowd of "more than 200" at the arena, which is likely less than the same amount of people that saw the infamous Samoa Joe versus Necro Butcher match in 2005.

Due to the niche venue for Vance's campaign stop, numerous jokes about the arena's wrestling connection were shared on social media, making reference to ECW's history.

"Jeez, only 200 in the ECW arena. That's like after they lost their TNN deal," joked one person.

Another added: "My take from JD Vance only drawing 200 to the ECW Arena is that Trump should have picked Justin Credible instead."

"Vance couldn’t fill the ECW arena. Sub-Sandman numbers," a third quipped.

Fittingly, across town at the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz rally at the much larger Temple University, Vance's name was greeted with 'he's a weirdo' chants, not unlike the kind of chants that you hear at a wrestling event.

The use of the word 'weird' has become an impactful tagline for the Democrats against the Republicans as they look to make up for lost time after Joe Biden announced that he would not be seeking reelection in November.

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