
Scottish secretary Ian Murray calls Larry the Cat a 'little s***' - and the internet isn't happy

Scottish secretary Ian Murray calls Larry the Cat a 'little s***' - and the internet isn't happy

Related video: Downing Street prepares plan for announcing death of Larry the cat


While the human occupant of 10 Downing Street will always attract debate and disagreement, chief mouser Larry the Cat has bridged political divides and “captured the hearts of the Great British public” – so much so that after Scottish secretary Ian Murray branded the feline a “little s***” for not getting a picture with him, the Labour cabinet minister has faced the wrath of online cat lovers.

Murray, who was snapped being rejected by Larry following a cabinet meeting on 16 July (with science secretary Peter Kyle laughing behind him), made the disparaging remark about the cat during CBI Scotland’s annual dinner in Glasgow on Thursday evening – according to The Telegraph.

Reflecting on Labour’s landslide win in July’s general election, the minister told the audience: “Downing Street rang, and all of us who pretty much knew inevitably that the cabinet was going to be as the shadow cabinet was with a few exceptions, walked to Downing Street really excited.

“All we wanted to do was not get the chat with the Prime Minister to be appointed, but … to try and get a picture with Larry the cat. And without putting too fine a point on it, Larry the cat is a little s***, so none of us got a picture with Larry the cat.

“Larry the cat is the most miserable animal you’ll ever meet in your life - I’m not surprised given who he’s had to live with for the last ten years.”

Rather unsurprisingly, the cat-loving internet wasn’t very happy with Murray slagging off the beloved feline, with the Scottish secretary jokingly accused of “treason” for daring to criticise their famous furry friend:

Others have said the cabinet minister should face punishment for what they believe is a “sackable offence”:

Many have rushed to Larry’s defence, to the extent he now has an “army” of supporters:

The extent to which the nation loves Larry can also be demonstrated by the reaction to news of Sir Keir Starmer confirming he has let his children have a kitten in Downing Street, and reports that No 10 is preparing a “media plan” to announce Larry’s passing.

Even the parody Twitter account for Larry the cat clapped back at Murray’s remarks:

And Murray isn’t the only one to make headlines over his relationship with the feline, as David Cameron addressed a “serious” rumour that he doesn’t “love Larry” in his final Prime Minister’s Questions back in 2016.

Showing off a snap of the two of them together, he said: “I do, and I have photographic evidence to prove it.

“Sadly I can’t take Larry with me. He belongs to the house and the staff love him very much, as do I,” he said.

How could you not?

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