
Trump's Truth Social reposts are getting super culty

Trump's Truth Social reposts are getting super culty
Donald Trump Responds to Being Subpoenaed by January 6 Committee

On Truth Social, Donald Trump 're-truths' posts seem to be getting more unhinged - including one praising him as the "only living God".

For years, people have called Trump supporters cult-like because they blindly follow the former president no matter what he is accused of.

But now it seems clearer than ever that MAGA supporters are willing to support anything after the former president 're-truthed' several posts.

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One post read "Walk With Trump!" with a photoshopped image of Trump walking alongside a pack of lions.

Another showed Trump photoshopped facing a lion claiming God chose "the perfect man for the job" which Trump called "interesting".

The most dedicated post was a prayer for Trump that thanked God for Trump and asked that he "turn America back to the only living God that has so richly blessed her".

The former president responded to the prayer with "Thank you, so nice!"

Trump often shares memes and articles that praise him and Trump-aligned Republicans while bashing Democrats, President Joe Biden, and GOP members who have spoken out against Trump.

Since Trump's return to his app, the posts have become increasingly more ego-inflating.

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