
Yes voters in Scotland turn on 'anti-democratic' BBC

Yes voters in Scotland turn on 'anti-democratic' BBC

In war, truth is the first casualty. In the Scottish independence referendum, the same can be said for trust in the BBC.

Last week SNP leader and first minister Alex Salmond accused BBC political editor Nick Robinson of "heckling" him at a press conference, and today he said London-based journalists were guilty of "unconscious bias".

“If the BBC were covering, in my estimation, any referendum, in any democracy, anywhere in the world, they would cover it impeccably, in a balanced fashion," he told the Sunday Herald.

"What they don’t understand is they’re players in this.”

On that theme, hundreds of Yes supporters - chanting "BBC, shame on you" - gathered outside BBC Scotland's headquarters in Pacific Quay, Glasgow, some brandishing placards labelling the BBC as an anti-democratic and demanding the sacking of Robinson.

The anti-BBC protest was covered briefly on TV by Sky News, while the BBC itself reported on it in its live blog on the referendum.

“We believe our coverage of the referendum has been rigorously impartial and in line with our guidelines on fairness and impartiality," a spokesperson said.

More: Your questions about an independent Scotland, answered

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