Screenshots of an alleged text conversation between a woman and a man who wanted to date her have gone viral after a Twitter user posted them online.
Rebecca Rose shared the images saying it was “truly mind-blowing (or maybe not)”.
The first set of screenshots shows a conversation between an anonymous woman and a man who tries to convince her to date him, despite her repeatedly saying she’s not interested.
After telling her he’s “a really good dude”, he goes on to demand she accepts his follow on Instagram, tells her he wants a girlfriend because he’s suicidal, and calls her a bitch for not responding.
The second screenshot shows a conversation between the woman and the male friend who gave out her phone number. He proceeds to completely disregard her relationship, try and guilt-trip her into giving the guy a chance, shaming her for “overreacting” and then telling her she’s “not that f***ing special”.
The Twitter thread prompted other people – particularly women – to share their somewhat weary disgust at the situation.
The first screenshots were originally posted to Reddit, and users advised the woman, whose username is u/foot-waffle, to ask her "friend" not to give out her phone number, prompting the second exchange.
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