Asking for help is not always easy, especially if you have to ask a stranger.
But this woman's viral thread about how another young woman on the train reached out for help is eye-opening and worth a read. It is also an example of the battles people are fighting every day that most of us don't even realise.
The woman, Erynn Brook, who calls herself a "friendly feminist and storyteller" on Twitter, was on her way from work late and sitting in the subway when she was approached by a girl.
Read on to see how the remarkable story unnravels.
Erynn continues the thread by reflecting on how society is taught to "help people" in any health emergency (ie. call an ambulance), and how sometimes - depending on the situation - this might not be the best approach.
She also uses her story as an example of how some people with disabilities are sadly forced to create their own support system.
Unsurprisingly, this remarkable thread went viral in only a matter of days, prompting others to share their own stories, which are also worth a read.
HT Someecards
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