
This woman sent an exit survey to all her exes and it's just brilliant

iStock and Twitter

One woman’s scientific approach to dating is receiving praise online.

Breaking up can be a messy business. Whether you instigate it or your significant other, more often than not someone gets hurt.

Well, a young woman called Katie has just made decoupling that much easier. Rather than get bogged down with things like feelings, she approaches her break ups with beautiful logic.

Katie ends her relationships with an exes by sending an exit interview in which he can offer constructive feedback and ways to improve the dating experience.

And if you think about it, it’s genius.

Katie’s friend Abby shared the survey on Twitter.

Questions include ‘What is wrong with you?’, ‘Would you like to remain on the mailing list in case Katie revisits your application or another opportunity opens up?’ and ‘Would you refer Katie to a friend? If so, please list numbers here.’


Other people think it's awesome too.

And other women want to start doing their own exit surveys.

Everyone should do this.

Can we get the PDF template?

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