A little boy in Washington, America this month took a woman's wind chimes and left an unusual and emotional note on her porch to apologise.
The note, which was left with a five dollar bill, read:
I am sorry that we stole your windchimes our mom died and liked butterflies so my sister took it and put it by our window. I am sorry this is only money I have please do not be mad at us. - Jake
The owner of the butterfly windchime, Chrissy Marie Wright, is far from angry - in fact she wants to track down Jake and his sister to return the money.
"Well Jake, I'm not sure who you are but you can come get your money back sweetie," she wrote on Facebook, in a post that quickly went viral.
Picture: Screenshot / Facebook via Elite Daily
Well Jake, I not sure who you are but you can come get your money back sweetie.
I had three of those wind chimes you can come back get your money back and have one also so both of you have your own.
I am not mad please come over to my house.
She later posted that she had been round the neighbourhood knocking on doors, looking for Jake.
The Lakewood, Washington resident told Q13 News that she had lost her own mother when she was five, so she understood the pain that Jake is going through.
She has launched a page on Facebook in order to find him, called "Jake's Butterfly".
Fingers crossed they find each other.
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