It's 2017, yet victim blaming continues to be an unfortunate habit in the modern world.
Some people still ask whether rape victims were provoking their attacker due to the clothes they wear or their body language.
Everyone should know by now that "no" means "no".
A post by Facebook user Bree Wiseman has now perfectly summed up how ridiculous the notion of victim blaming is using only her dog and a piece of steak.
At the time of writing, the post has now been liked 176,000 times and received 288,486 shares.
Many people have thanked Bree for her analogy and also complimented her charming dog.
When speaking to the Huffington Post, the 22-year-old from Tennessee said she was inspired to make the post to raise awareness of this unfortunate culture.
If a four-year-old pit bull understands the word ‘no,’ even though he is looking at something he wants so bad he is literally drooling, then adults should understand ‘no,’ no matter how the other adult is dressed.
Appearances shouldn’t make any difference in sexual assault cases.
People shouldn’t have to worry about what they chose to wear for fear of rape.
I want people to see that this is a problem, and to stand together against victim-shaming.
HT Facebook Metro Huffington Post
The latest figures from Rape Crisis reveal that 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales in every year, which works out at roughly 11 attacks every hour.
If you feel that you have been a victim of sexual assault or are concerned about someone else, there is a free to phone 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.
You can also find your nearest rape and sexual assault referral centre here.