Narjas Zatat
Nov 03, 2017

woman with her shirt off slapping man before rubbing bare breasts in his face
screengrab, FocusOn News TV
A video of a woman rubbing her breasts on a man in a Brazilian street is making the rounds online.
The footage, which was shot in Ribeirao Preto city centre in South East Brazil, shows a saleswoman who had been giving out leaflets accuse a man of harassing her.
Pinning him to the ground with her foot, she declares that she is sick of being “touched and sexually harassed while doing her job,” the Mail Online reports.
The man on the ground insists he did nothing wrong, and was merely shopping with his wife.
Unperturbed, the woman says she is “fed up with being treated like a sex object” and asks the man if it was breasts that he wanted.
Then, in a shocking display, she takes her shirt off, straddles the man, repeatedly slaps him and ends with rubbing her bare breasts on his face.
The entire ordeal was captured by a crowd of onlookers, some expressed support for the woman for “humiliating” him, while others said that what she did was “too much”.
The incident isn't actually real.
It was staged by the Confluencias theatre group, and released late last year.
Fausto Ribeiro, the director, told the Mail Online:
We wanted to expose and address something that happens every day to our sisters and female friends.
This was meant to challenge people’s perceptions and empower women with the shock tactic of retaliation. We wanted to force men to think more responsibly about their actions and consequences.
It began recirculating online amidst the sexual harassment allegations currently sweeping through Hollywood.
Here's the full video, below:
H/T Mail Online
More: Woman starts photo series explaining what the world doesn't understand about sexual harassment
More: A woman conducted a horrifying experiment to show just how awful sexual harassment is
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