Harriet Marsden
Oct 14, 2016

Picture: Dora Sarchese Vineyard Facebook
Dora Sarchese Vineyard Facebook
2016 finally has a redeeming feature: a wine fountain.
A vineyard in Caldari di Ortona, Italy, has opened a fountain for local red.
It's free, and it's open all day and all night.
Picture: Dora Sarchese Vineyard
According to the Local, the fontana del vino will offer round-the-clock refreshments to parched pilgrims who walk along the popular Cammino di San Tommasoroute.
When Jesus said he would turn water into wine, this is exactly what he had in mind.
“The wine fountain is welcome, the wine fountain is poetry,” the Dora Sarchese vineyard explains on its Facebook page.
It did take care to stress that the fountain was not a place for “drunkards” or “louts”, nor was it a “publicity stunt”.
In vino veritas.
The fountain, a joint project with the non-profit organisation that maintains the pilgrimage route, draws inspiration from a similar Spanish fountain.
The Fuente del Vino of Bodegas Irache can be found along the Spanish pilgrimage route, Camino de Santiago - but the wine there will cost you.
There are also a few wine fountains in Italy. But unlike all its predecessors, thisfontana is completely free.
Who would've thought it would be Italy that finally succumbed to a 24-hour keg-style wine glugging?
Rome's Trevi Fountain cannot compare.
Form an orderly queue.
Il vino will flow.
More: Canned wine: The new way millennials are drinking
More: A bottle of wine a day is not bad for you and abstaining is worse than drinking, scientist claims
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