A black man who was set to meet a white woman on a date had second thoughts after she told him she didn’t “feel comfortable” being in places with black people.
Twitter user and doctor, @SoSowemimo shared an unfortunate interaction that her brother had with a woman who he was supposed to go on a date with.
She shared screen grabs of their conversation, captioning the photos:
So my brother just went on a date with a white women from Tinder & apparently she doesn’t like being around black people.
I mean probably shouldn’t date black men then 🙃🙃🙃. #confused
The brother was meeting the blonde woman in Rum Kitchen, a Caribbean restaurant in central London.
The unravelling began when the unnamed woman sent a WhatsApp message asking him if the venue had outside seating.
“Yes,” he wrote back. “If you ask them to show to the outdoor seating upstairs I can meet you there [SIC].”
“Just waiting outside,” she wrote back in a message that would be the beginning of the end.
She went on to say:
I don’t like to go to black ppl’s places myself.
The brother was suitably confused, and his initial response was “???”
“Meant by myself,” the woman clarified, unaware of the storm brewing. She continued:
Like would never go to Rum kitchen by myself. Last time we went to rum kitchen I was nearly the only one white person there.
It appears he was momentarily lost for words, and after a few moments he managed to find enough coherency to write: “That’s a strange thing to say."
“I mean the only blond one few other dark hair ones. I don’t feel comfortable,” she carried on.
Eventually the man got his breath back enough to say nope, nope, nope. Not happening.
Gonna be honest I really don’t like what you’re saying
He added: “If you’re uncomfortable about black people why are we meeting?”
Good question.
She still didn’t seem to grasp that her words were offensive racist, and said: "It’s cool we don’t have to meet up then. Probably wasn’t meant to be then."
Before deleting her number and blocking her, the man, now understandably angry, wrote: “If you [think] that attitude is ok then yeah that’s incredibly rude".
The woman found him on Instagram and sent him a follow-up racist message about Nigerians.
I think it’s very rude to just block someone when travelling 1.5 hour. But it’s okay. I wish u all the best.
Probably one of the reasons I prefer to stay away from Nigerians. You’re just on a different level.
People were confused: Why date a black man if you're a racist uncomfortable around black people?
Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, co-founder of UK Black Pride, was one of the people, like many, who were shocked.
It also started a discussion about interracial dating.
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