Darin Graham
Jan 05, 2018
The North and South of England boundary is exactly where researchers expected it would be.
In a move to settle the argument about where the North starts, researchers showed 8,000 people part of a map of England divided into unnamed regions. All the participants were asked to say which regions they thought were in England's North and South.
The YouGov study revealed that 91 to 92 per cent of people think that the North West, North East and Yorkshire and Humberside were all part of the North, while 87 to 92 per cent of people believed that the South West, South East, and London were part of the South.
Regional Breakdown
Most said that the Midlands were neither part of the North or the South, but people were more likely to assign them to the North - even Midlanders themselves.
Those living in the East of England, however, weren't likely to say they were part of the South (60 per cent) as 36 per cent said they were neither in the North of South.
Researchers said:
We avoided naming the regions to prevent giving the respondents prompts depending on whether a region did or did not have the word 'North' or 'South' in its name.
The most noticeable difference in the results between these two variables was that English people are substantially more likely to say the East of England is not part of the South (-23 per cent) with the bulk of the difference going towards saying it was neither North nor South (+14 per cent)
HT YouGov
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