
What on earth was going on with George Osborne at PMQs?

What on earth was going on with George Osborne at PMQs?

He’s in charge of the nation’s finances and tasked with steering the UK economy clear of recession.

So I think we’re all entitled to ask – what exactly was going on with George Osborne at Prime Minister’s Questions today?

Sat next to David Cameron with his hair, tie, collar and frankly face all slightly askew, the Chancellor’s appearance got people on Twitter more animated than anything that was actually said in an otherwise dire Commons exchange.

With the #CameronMustGo campaign still going strong after five days, the PM will no doubt be happy for anything to take the heat off.

This gif shows the look Osborne was going for – decide for yourself quite what it all means.

More: No one seems to know what is going on with Britain's £1.7bn EU bill

HT Fred Laranjo

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