
Your week in memes: From eyebrows and chanting, to a really big ship

Your week in memes: From eyebrows and chanting, to a really big ship

Welcome to Friday - a day that may feel a little like all the others, as they all merge into one in lockdown - but a cause for celebration, nonetheless.

It feels like there’s never a slow news day in 2021 – and certainly never a lack of meme creativity as a result. Here, we take a look at what has unfolded in this week’s news... as told by our favourite memes.

Monday: Orlando Bloom morning routine aftermath

An interview in this week’s The Sunday Times with pop star Orlando Bloom revealed his extravagant morning routine, including waking up at 6:30 am (but, like, he even doesn’t need to…), hiking naked, green-powdery breakfast, and chanting.

Of course, Twitter was quick to note how completely unrelatable it all was. Bloom’s lifestyle seems a million miles away from our lockdown lives of no haircuts, Netflix overkill and yet another soggy daily walk...

Tuesday: Lockdown anniversary

Tuesday 23 March - marking exactly one year since Boris Johnson announced we were going into a national lockdown - was definitely a sobering day.

A day to reflect on the atrocities of the past 365 days, the lives lost, the time spent without friends and families, and the small glimmer of hope that remains for 2021 to become the year when we can all be together again.

But frankly, there has been enough sadness for one year, so let’s look at the memes that lifted the mood on Tuesday.

Wednesday: A really big ship got really stuck

Okay, it is more important than that.  The Ever Given ship is stuck in the Suez Canal -  a waterway in Egypt which holds around 12 percent of the world’s trade. So, it’s a pretty big issue that it’s stuck.

But instead of focusing on the genuine concern that surrounds this true bit of economic catastrophe, let’s look at the jokes.

Thursday: Lucille Bluth

On 25 March, we heard the unfortunate news of the death of Jessica Walter, best known for her role as Lucille Bluth in Arrested Development.

Alongside heartfelt statements from those who were lucky enough to know Ms Walter, we were able to commemorate her through some of her most iconic moments as Mrs Bluth.

Friday: Unusual Home Office expenses

Ah Friday... it’s like I haven’t seen you for a whole week.

Today, the internet went slightly berserk over a story about Home Office spending.

On the list, according to theThe Byline Times, was a bill for more than £5,000 at Primark and more than £77,000 connected to an eyebrow shop, but the Home Office later said the spending was for clothes for migrants and PPE, respectively.

Still, it didn’t stop a major meme frenzy...

And that’s all for now, folks. See you next week!

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