Bethan McKernan
Feb 02, 2016
Monday was a dramatic night in Iowa.
In the Republican caucus Ted Cruz managed to turn Donald Trump into the thing he hates most, a 'loser', and on the Democrat side of things Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have come out as neck and neck.
But while Clinton made a somewhat premature victory speech, her limelight was being stolen by a young man standing two rows behind her:
'Sticker kid', as he quickly became dubbed, pretended to chew with his mouth open and rolled his eyes before plastering two Hillary campaign stickers to each of his cheeks, while standing centimetres away from Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, and directly in front of the world's TV cameras.
Mashable managed to track down Sticker Kid - real name Peter Clinkscales - after Clinton's speech, who told a reporter that he hasn't decided who he's going to vote for in November yet.
You can watch all 2:22 of Clinkscales' moment of fame in the clip below:
What a time to be running for President of the United States of America.
More: After Iowa, the internet has found a brilliant way to give Donald Trump a taste of his own medicine
More: Meanwhile in Iowa, Republican hecklers say (and do) the strangest things
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