Narjas Zatat
Aug 03, 2016

Pictures: Getty
Business mogul Warren Buffett was in Omaha Nebraska on Monday at a Democrat rally, where he gave his unequivocal support to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Buffett spoke in his home city, delivering blow after blow to Trump’s campaign as he criticised the Republican’s disparaging comments about Khizr Khan.
Another sore subject, Trump’s on-going refusal to release his tax returns, was also targeted.
Buffett issued a challenge:
I’ll bring my tax return; he can bring his tax return ... and let people ask us questions about the items that are on there.
A Trump spokesperson, Hope Hicks was quick to respond, implying Trump was unable to do meet this challenge:
As you know, Mr. Trump is undergoing a routine audit.
However a CNN report claims that Trump had previously released his tax returns despite, at the time, being audited by the IRS, proving his spokesperson’s defence moot.
On Tuesday, when asked about Buffett's comments, Trump told Fox in a telephone interview:
I don’t care much about Warren Buffett.
And then Warren hit out at Trump's Atlantic City hotels bankruptcy scandal in June 1995, delivering this blow:
In 1995, when he offered this company, if a monkey had thrown a dart, at the stock page, the monkey on average would've made 150 per cent.
But the people that believed in him, who listened to his siren song, ended up losing well over 90 cents in the dollar. They got back less than a dime.
Well then.
As if filing for bankruptcies in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009 weren’t enough to doubt Trump’s business prowess.
More: Trump's spokesperson actually tweeted this about 11 September
More: Donald Trump ate KFC with a knife and fork and the internet is losing it
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