Narjas Zatat
Mar 08, 2018
Putin did not try to recruit Melania Trump at the G20 Summit in Germany last July.
In an interview with Vladimir Solovyev on a new documentary called World Order on the Russian president, Putin revealed he kept the conversation about fishing and the country’s maternity benefits.
When asked about whether he tried to recruit Melania as a Russian asset, he laughingly responded:
No, I have not been doing this for a very long time. Although I used to love doing this. That was my job for many years he laughed
They [Emanuala Mauro, wife of the Italian Prime Minister was also there] were very interested in this. They were surprised how large our maternity benefits are.
As is expected in such cases, I boasted a bit (about the size of his catch). How can one speak about fishing and not boast a little?
Picture: (World Order screengrab )
He also talked about the beauty of Russia’s Kamchatka bears and Siberian tigers.
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