
Melania Trump and Jill Biden greet their spouses very differently after the debate

Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s first presidential debate of 2020 on Tuesday was just as messy as everyone predicted.

Highlights include the POTUS refusing to condemn white supremacists, Biden telling Trump to “shut up” and Trump clarifying that when he suggested injecting bleach to cure coronavirus, he said it “sarcastically”.

But it’s a moment from the evening between the two debaters and their wives that shows one of the biggest points of difference from the evening.

Namely for the chemistry (or what seemed like a lack thereof) between Trump and his wife Melania.

After the debate, the two partners approached their husbands on stage for a photo opportunity.

As the First Lady approached the POTUS, he reached for her arm and gave it a little rub – to which she rather unenthusiastically rubbed his arm back. They stood next to each other and looked like they exchanged some light pleasantries.

In contrast, when Jill approached her husband on stage, they gave each other a big hug and then put their arms around each other – smiling and waving to the crowd.

People also remarked that it also appeared like Trump noticed the warm exchange between Jill and Joe, then immediately started holding his wife’s hand:

And they had a lot of thoughts:


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