
Bernie Sanders asked Americans to post their most absurd medical bills and the answers will make you value the NHS

Bernie Sanders has been fighting for universal healthcare for decades – as he said at the last Democrat debate, he literally “wrote the damn bill”.

Now, the Democratic candidate for president has taken to Twitter to ask his followers about their strangest medical bills. This prompted thousands of his followers to reply with their own experiences.

One heart-breaking story in particular has gone viral, and will certainly make British readers feel lucky for the NHS. Dr Jennifer Gunter shared the story about being billed for the birth of her son who died soon after birth.

To make matters even more absurd, it was from the very department and hospital that she works on.

To make matters worse, a mistake with charges meant that she had to spend time disputing charges she was billed for her deceased child.

People reacted strongly to the heartbreaking story, with many sending messages of support and sharing similarly unfair experiences.

More: Stephen Fry has made the ultimate myth-busting video about private healthcare vs the NHS

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