On Monday, Ukip announced their new integration policy platform.
Ukip leader Paul Nuttall and Deputy leader Peter Whittle announced the policy point, which called for a total ban on face coverings in public.
Whittle said:
UKIP are the only political party committed to passing a law against the wearing of face coverings in public places.
As Political Editor of Business Insider, Adam Bienkov, pointed out:
Here are Ukip and the BNP's views on 'integration' and 'reversing islamisation', compared:
On Sharia Law:
Explicitly ban sharia – which is intended as a rival legal system and which undermines women’s rights – from being applied in the UK and establish a legal commission to draw up proposals to disband sharia courts.
Ban Sharia law
On face veils:
Pass a law against the wearing of face coverings in public places. Face coverings are a deliberate barrier to integration and, in many contexts, a security risk too. The time has come to outlaw them. People should show their face in a public place.
Ban the hijab and burqa
On schools
Immediate closure of schools where there is evidence of Islamist ideology being taught or imposed on children. A moratorium on new Islamic faith schools until substantial progress has been demonstrated in integrating Muslims into mainstream British society.
Instil in our young people knowledge and pride of British history, traditions, identity and origins and scrap the compulsory study of all other cultures.
What a shock.
More: A Ukip candidate has announced she's sexually attracted to gorillas