Shannon McDonagh
Mar 12, 2021

A senior military official has taken down Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s attempts at ridiculing pregnant women that serve in the US military.
The comments were made on Carlson’s flagship show in light of Joe Biden’s plan to address “changing the culture and habits” that prevent the US army from retaining women.
“So we’ve got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits. Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It’s a mockery of the US military,” Carlson said.
“While China’s military becomes more masculine as it assembles the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine. Whatever feminine even means anymore, since men and women no longer exist. The bottom line is it’s out of control”.
“The US military is not a vehicle for achieving equity”, he said in a separate segment.
The role the US military plays in international relations is a complicated and controversial topic for many given its history. What Biden is trying to address are the irrefutable facts that women are nearly 30 per cent more likely to leave the armed forces than their male counterparts, often due to reasons rooted in sexism.
Tucker’s disdain was palpable enough to strike a nerve with Scott H Stalker, a senior member of the US Space Command with 28 years of service under his belt.
So much so, that he posted a video derailing some of the assumptions made by Carlson, brilliantly reducing his profession down to “drama TV”. It has picked up 1.6 million views on Twitter.
“I understand some comments were made yesterday and I watched the clip that Mr. Carlson produced as he referred to pregnant women in the military. I’ll remind everyone that his opinion, which he has a right to, is based of zero days of service in the armed service forces.”
“He was talking about specifically about pregnant women in the armed forces today and how it makes them less lethal, less fit and less ready.
“Let me tell you where he’s wrong,” he said, “those decisions were made by medical professionals, by commanders and our civilian leadership. It allows for women to have more time with their children, to recuperate, to get fit and ready, to take that time that is necessary that our medical professionals know is needed.
“God bless the women that are serving today”.
People were shocked by Carlson’s comments and supportive of the defense, including many women that have served while pregnant.
Carlson has since responded, accusing the Department of Defense of launching a “PR offensive” against him.
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