Tucker Carlson has one of the most-watched shows in America.
But he’s also been going through a rough time recently, having lost more than 20 advertisers over comments where he said immigrants made the US “poorer and dirtier”.
Now, he’s in hot water again over numerous misogynistic comments he made on shock jock radio show Bubba the Love Sponge.
These are just some of the comments Carlson made between 2006 and 2011, according to Media Matters:
- He said women were “like dogs” because they “hate weakness” and are “extremely primitive”.
- He defended Warren Jeffs, who was convicted of sexual abuse of a child, saying the charges were “bulls***” because “arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her”.
- He said “it's harder to determine what's consensual and what's not” for a sex worker.
- After a comment about underage girls experimentally sexually with each other at boarding school, he said, “If it weren’t my daughter I would love that scenario” (Carlson’s daughter was 14 at the time).
- He described TV host Alexis Stewart as “c***y” and said he “wanted to give her the spanking she so desperately needs”.
- He called Britney Spears and Paris Hilton “the biggest white wh*** in America”.
You can hear some of those comments below:
Or read the full list of quotes here.
In response to the recording, Carlson downplayed his comments by describing them as “something naughty”.
But some critics have pointed out that criticising people for old comments is something Carlson likes to do on his TV show.
Last week, he aired a segment attacking Joe Biden for comments he made in 1975.
And his claim that “anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on [Tucker Carlson Tonight] and explain why” isn’t completely fair.
Last month, Carlson refused to air a segment on his show with academic Rutger Bregman when he lost his cool during an argument about Fox News’ political influence.
Luckily, Bregman made his own recording of the interview, which you can see below:
Carlson’s comments have also emerged at the end of a bad weekend for Fox News.
Yesterday, host Jeanine Pirro was condemned for suggesting representative Ilhan Omar’s hijab was against the US constitution.
Carlson supporters have tried to defend his comments in a few different ways.
1. By attacking the source of the story, Media Matters, for simply quoting Carlson’s own words.
2. By claiming his comments were ‘satire’.
3. By suggesting that the audio/quotes might be fake because of the MAGA hat kid (???).
So in short, the defence seems to be it’s not Tucker Carlson’s fault that he voluntarily said awful things about women and children.
Apparently, it’s liberals’ fault…
There is no word yet from Fox News about Carlson’s comments.
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