Moya Lothian McLean
Nov 05, 2020

Donald Trump is not happy that he’s currently trailing in the election.
As a result, he’s been making completely false accusations of some sort of voter fraud going on.
Problem is, he can’t make up his mind as to what it is.
In areas where Trump is losing, like Arizona, he’s insisting that officials do what they are literally already in the middle of and continue counting the votes.
But in states where Trump is currently ahead, he’s claiming that other subterfuge is afoot and that officials need to stop counting votes.
You really couldn't make it up.
Yet these two conflicting positions have placed Trump supporters in a difficult situation – although many seem unaware of it.
A video from politics outlet The Recount places protests in Arizona and Michigan side-by-side in a comparison.
And it’s pretty clear the Trump supporters are asking for totally different things.
In Arizona, the gathered crowd yells “Count that vote!”.
In Michigan however, they’re shouting “Stop the count!”.
We’re confused too.
People were very tickled by sight.
Others said it was a case of life immitiating art.
The comparison was “stark” said viewers.
And they were urged to “pick a narrative”.
Donald Trump is a sore loser and even poorer winner but which one is it going to be?
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