
Trump gets rude welcome to the UK thanks to giant crop circle

A massive crop circle was carved into a field to troll Donald Trump as he flies over the United Kingdom ahead of his visit.

Before you go blaming liberal aliens from outer space or the intervention of H.P Lovecraft's cosmic 'Old Ones', the human people behind the giant crop circle have come forward.

The crop circle on the Moat Farm in Stoke Mandeville supposedly says "блядь Trump" with the former word being Russian which translates to 'whore'. In this context however, it translates to "F**k Trump", which is probably what we all guessed it said.

The circle cropped up directly under Trump's flight path from London to Chequers, where he will meet Theresa May.

The farmer who owns the field took one for the team here and agreed to the stunt despite the fact that the damage caused to his harvest would leave it unsalvageable.

Speaking to the Bucks Herald, he said:

There was a financial transaction for the damages.

There's definitely a line about reaping what you sow somewhere here.

The stunt was claimed by The Tenth Man, a British marketing agency.

They had the help of 'crop circle specialists' Circlemakers to create this PR stunt in the hopes that Trump will see it.

A spokesperson for the agency told the Drum:

Trump occupies at least 60 percent of the news vacuum on a normal day. It has to be big, brave and bold.

It's almost as big as Donald Trump's ego so we're pretty confident he'll see it.

Trump's visit to the UK has been met with massive planned protests, with the pièce de résistance being a flying, enormous blimp of Trump as a baby.

Let's just hope that Trump can actually read the crop circle, Putin must've given him some lessons at least.

Read more: Everything that Donald Trump has said about the UK on Twitter

Read more: 14 of Trump's most bizarre Twitter moments

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