
Trump ranted about how he has power on a level nobody has seen before

Donald Trump recently took a break from reminding us all of what a handsome Stable Genius he is, to rant about the immense power he wields.

Once Labour Secretary Alexander Acosta had finished announcing that he would resignation over his handling of a child sexual abuse against Jeffrey Epstein, Mr Trump was asked about the Robert Mueller investigation.

Shouting above the noise of a plane about collusion and obstruction, he then bizarrely launched into a tirade about the power bestowed upon him under the US constitution, suggesting it gave him:

...rights on a level that nobody has seen before.

He's referring to Article II, which outlines the different powers afforded to the sitting president.

There are just a few problems with this statement.

1. The most glaringly obvious of these is that every single president has held these powers since the constitution was established in the 1700s, so to suggest that they've never been seen before is a serious stretch.

2. Article II is just as much about putting limits on the extent of the president's power as it is establishing it.

3. And if he's suggesting that Article II gives him any kind of protection against the fallout of a political scandal, it actually does quite the opposite - by laying the grounds for his impeachment in Section 4.

Many faces met with palms as people took to Twitter.

It’s not the first time the president's understanding of the constitution has been questionable.

In recent weeks he has hinted on more than one occasion that he might try to stay in office for more than two terms, despite that being in complete violation of the 22nd amendment.

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