
Trump called 'pathetic' after retweeting meme accusing Democrats of trying to rescue the Iranian regime

In news that will surprise absolutely no one, Donald Trump has gone on a massive retweet spree where he has shared some very controversial tweets all aimed at Nancy Pelosi.

A viral hashtag is being used by Trump supporters and Conservatives that reads #NancyPelosiFakeNews after the Speaker of the House claimed that the Iranian people were not protesting against their regime as Trump had suggested.

Trump shared eight tweets that used the hashtag, many of which accused the Democrats of backing terrorists and that she reported a regime that kills its own people.

One particular tweet, which we won't share, featured a gruesome image of what appeared to be a dead body.

Another was of a meme featuring Pelosi and Chuck Schumer dressed as Iranians, in front of the Iranian flag, that claims that the Democrats are 'coming the Ayatollah's rescue.'

Picture:Picture: Twitter/Screengrab

As you can imagine people are pretty disgusted that the president of the United States would share such an image, without considering the consequences.

More: Trump tweeted about retirement funds and got it hilariously wrong​

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