
Trump said two years of his presidency have been 'stollen' from him and everyone made the same joke

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For the second time in a weekend, president Donald Trump has taken to Twitter, only to share a ridiculous typo with his followers. This time, it was bakery related.

In a tweet delivered to his 60 million followers on Sunday, the president riled against two 'stollen' years in office in relation to the Mueller report.

Trump initially retweeted one of his evangelical followers who claimed that the president should get two extra years in office as 'reparations' for special council Robert Mueller's investigation.

He then added his own tweet, complete with the cake-related typo, which he has since deleted and replaced:

In the now-deleted tweet, he wrote:

Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stollen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back.....

He then deleted it, and replaced it with a correctly-spelt tweet:

For the uninitiated, 'stollen' is a type of German cake that's eaten at Christmas time, that takes the form of a fruit bread, and is full of nuts, spices, candied fruit, and is covered in icing sugar.

Needless to say, however, eagle-eyed Twitter users were quick to pick up on the typo, and lots of cake-related jokes ensued.

This isn't Trump's first typo of the weekend. On Saturday, he took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the result of the Kentucky Derby, however, he miss-spelt it 'Kentuky'.

Morgan Freeman was following both of the accidents, and shared his thoughts to Twitter:

Yep, we're not sure either, Morgan. Maybe Trump can tell us?

HT Huffington Post

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