
Trump goes on bizarre rant about sharks, seals and mosquitos in the middle of a speech

Donald Trump interrupted a speech to go on a rant about sharks and mosquitos today.

Trump made the comments during prepared remarks – and a mosquito attacked him halfway through. He got distracted and said: "I don't like – they'll say it's cruelty to animals. I don't know – no, it's true. I want to get that mosquito."

He then went even more off-topic by bringing in sharks. He said:

They were saying the other night – they were saying, 'Oh sharks, we have to protect them'. I said, 'wait a minute, wait'.

They actually want to remove all the seals in order to save the shark. I said, wait a minute, don't have it the other way around?

He then went onto admit that he's not a "big fan of sharks either", and admits that he doesn't know how many votes he'll lose after admitting it. Sharks are actually a fairly popular phobia for many people – 51 per cent of people surveyed by Ipsos in 2015 said that they were scared of them, with 38 per cent of those people saying that they wouldn't swim in the ocean because they were so scared.

Trump also said that people call him and say that they have a fund for sharks, and that he turns them down – because he has "other things I can contribute to."

In doing so, he confirmed that he was afraid of sharks – something which Stormy Daniels has brought up during multiple interviews in the past.

In 2011, she told InTouch Weekly that he has an obsession with sharks. She said:

He was like, 'I donate to all these charities and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all sharks die.'

He was like, riveted. He was like, obsessed. It's so strange, I know.

Trump has always denied the fact that the two of them were ever involved, but he didn't seem shy about confirming this very specific detail in Daniels's story.

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