
Donald Trump gave a speech with a bug crawling through his hair

Donald Trump delivered a speech in Virginia with a big crawling through his hair.

Enter all of the bugged! Collusion! Jokes here.

The critter explored the US president’s hair during the speech, providing some much-needed levity to his words,.

“I want to thank the governor of Virginia for inviting me to speak at this very important event,” he began, as the fly landed on the front tip of his hair.

With us this morning are very distinguished guests and officials from across the commonwealth including Lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax, speaker Kirk Cox – thank you Kirk.”

People online couldn’t help but notice the fly – or the jokes that followed

"Poor bug"

And "he was bugged"

Others made a joke about infestations following comments Trump made about Baltimore being "rat infested"

The US president called the Baltimore-district represented by African American congressman Elijah Cummings a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” where “no human would want to live” in a series of insulting tweets over the weekend.

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