Greg Evans
Dec 11, 2018

Danny Wild/Reuters/Twitter
Donald Trump's streak of eye-opening typos on Twitter has continued, and this one might be his best yet.
In a series of Tweets posted on Monday regarding the Robert Mueller probe into Trump's potential dealings with Russian officials, the POTUS quoted a few lines that he had heard about the story on Fox News.
This shouldn't have been a problem but he made not one but two big errors. Take a look for yourself.
That's right, a 72-year-old man and arguably the most powerful person in the world managed to spell "smoking" as "smocking".
Now it really doesn't take much for people to find reasons to mock Trump, but this tweet prompted a downpour of reactions and questions about the typo - and some were very, very funny.
First came the ridicule.
Then came the jokes.
It was festive as well.
There was a timely put down from the dictionary.
It's possible that he was referencing a Stephen King novel.
This is definitely the new 'covfefe'.
Strangely Trump hasn't had any trouble spelling smoking before, so his mind was obviously elsewhere.
Can we just cancel Twitter already?
HT Time
More: Donald Trump's strangest tweet ever has become a glorious meme

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