
Sarah Sanders implies Trump has condemned Republican Steve King over alleged antisemitism

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders hasn't held a briefing since January and immediately made a gaffe when returning to the fray on Monday.

Facing questions on Donald Trump's accusations that the Democrats have become an anti-Jewish party, Sanders attempted to defend the president's comments.

This was after Rep. Ilhan Omar made critical comments about Israeli lobbyists in Washington, which some interpreted as invoking anti-Semitism. In response Sanders said:

It shouldn't be put in a watered down resolution it should be done the way the Republicans did it when Steve King made terrible comments.

We stripped him of his committee memberships and we'd like to see Democrats follow suit. 

However, things couldn't have gone more badly for Sanders as she failed to provide a significant answer on accusations against Republican congressman Rep. Steve King.

The 69-year-old from Iowa has been wrapped up in several racist, anti-Semitic and white supremacy scandals which he has been condemned for but not directly by the president, which is what Sanders was implying by using the word 'we.'

Taking a question from ABC's Jon Karl, Sanders was asked why Trump was yet to make a comment on King's actions, which include retweeting 'Nazi sympathisers' and spreading conspiracy theories about George Soros.

Karl asked:

The president — correct me if I’m wrong — has not condemned Steve King. Even when he praised white supremacy.

Sanders replied:

I speak on behalf of the president on a number of topics and I've talked about that a number of times and I'd refer you back to those comments where I used words like 'abhorrent' and 'unacceptable.'

Sanders did use those words when criticising King in January but there was no mention of the words relaying what Trump had said to her, nor are there any records of Trump publicly criticising King.

As you can imagine this answer didn't exactly help Sanders' case as by suggesting that the president was denounced King but only in private, literally defies the basic premise of denouncements, which as supposed to be in public.

Trump may have very well criticised King but a failure to do so in public doesn't exactly help him or Sanders and the internet was quick to point out the glaring error in her statement.

HT Vox

More: Sarah Sanders slammed for saying Martin Luther King Jr 'gave his life' to fight racial inequality

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