
11 of the funniest reactions to Trump's ridiculously long and very boring acceptance speech

The final night of the Republican National Convention saw Donald Trump and his friends decking out the White House in full-on campaign propaganda (which they really shouldn't be doing) and then the president spoke for a very, very long time.

Trump spoke for a whopping 70 minutes and in all honesty, really didn't say much. It was the typical rambling speech that we've come to expect from POTUS where he said a lot of things and not much at all. He covered the usual bases such as the economy and deriding the Democrats but he didn't have the same pomp and vigour that even his biggest critics would admit that he is very good at.

Most viewers agreed that on Thursday evening, Trump didn't have that same ludicrous energy that he has displayed in the past and which arguably won him the 2016 US election. Even the worryingly big crowd that had assembled in the White House grounds, with no social distancing, seemed almost comatose and weren't popping for any of Trump's big lines.

The only notable reaction from the crowd was Rudy Giuliani who was sweating profusely, which isn't a good sign during a pandemic.

The biggest reaction to Trump's epic speech was that it was, well, boring, which will undoubtedly hurt the president more than just calling him every name under the sun and criticising his rhetoric.

Even a die-hard conservative like Ben Shapiro, who thought that Trump said all the right things, still thought that it was too long.

It's possible that in some alternative reality Donald Trump is still talking, staring into the void for so long that he misses the entire US election.

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