Darren Richman
Jul 17, 2019

Rex Features
On the weekend, as is his wont, Donald Trump tweeted a disgustingly racist phrase intended to put down members of Congress who’ve challenged him.
The President referred to foue female member of congress as having "originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” seemingly missing the fact that the bulk of the people he was subtweeting were born in the United States.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was quick to refute Trump’s words, pointing out that he was employing the language of white supremacists in suggesting the women of colour “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
The phrase, a favourite of racists on both sides of the Atlantic, is a despicable term that ordinarily one would assume would be best avoided by an occupant of the White House.
Since the President's latest Twitter rant people have been sharing their own experiences of being told to “go back home” and the differences in how migrants are often treated based on skin colour alone.
More: Trump says that his tweets aren't racist because 'many people' agree with him
More: Trump shouts 'quiet' at a reporter six times for challenging him on his 'racist' tweets
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