
Trump says that his tweets aren't racist because 'many people' agree with him

On Monday, president Trump claimed that his tweets about four congresswomen of colour 'weren't racist', and that he's unconcerned about any backlash because 'many people' agree with his views.

The president was speaking to reporters at an event at the White House, his first time addressing a series of tweets posted on Sunday that criticised four female congresswomen of colour; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley.

The president wrote:

Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.

Of the four congresswomen that Trump was referring to, three of them were born in the United States. One, Ilhan Omar, was born in Somalia and came to the United States as a refugee in the nineties.

Speaking to the press on Monday, Trump said that his tweets were 'not at all' racist and that he had nothing to apologise for.

Addressing the president, a reporter said:

Do you think your tweets were racist Mr president?

In response, Trump said:

Not at all.

Then, another reporter said:

Does it concern you that many people saw that tweet as racist and white nationalists are finding common cause with you on that point?

In response, Trump said:

It does not concern me because many people agree with me.

And all I'm saying, they wanna leave, they can leave. It doesn't say leave forever. It says leave.

The four congresswomen believed to be referenced in Trump's tweets have now hit back at the president.

Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib urged the US people "not to take the bait" at a press conference on Monday.

HT Buzzfeed

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