Lowenna Waters
Jun 02, 2019

Getty Images / Twitter
Donald Trump's 2020 election campaign went on the attack against CNN for saying that Trump called Meghan Markle 'nasty', but then linked directly to a video of him calling her 'nasty'. How very Trumpian.
The incident occurred as Trump prepared to head to the UK for his long-awaited State visit. In an interview with the Sun, the president of the United States was asked about criticism that Markle, Prince Harry's wife, had shared of Trump during the 2016 presidential election.
At that time, when asked what she'd do if Trump was elected, she said she'd 'move to Canada'.
Speaking to the president, the journalist said:
Meghan, who is now the Duchess of Sussex, she can't make it because she's got maternity leave.Â
Are you sorry not to see her? Because she wasn't so nice about you during the campaign.Â
I don't know if you saw that?Â
In response Trump said:
I didn't know that, no. No, I didn't know that.Â
No, I hope she's ok. I did not know that, no.Â
Then the journalist said:
She said she'd move to Canada if you got elected. It turned out she moved to Britain.
Then, Trump calls the young mother 'nasty'.
A lot of people move here, what can I say?Â
No, I didn't know that she was nasty.Â
Trump's remarks drew a considerable amount of controversy when they were shared by news outlets, and especially as Trump is headed to England for his state visit, but Trump's official campaign account called the Offical Trump War Room, specifically focussed on the fact that CNN had shared the comments.
The account, run by Team Trump, bizzarely linked to the clip of Trump calling the Duchess of Sussex 'nasty' and at the same time denied that he called her 'nasty'.
In a tweet, they wrote:
Fake News CNN is at it again, falsely claiming President Trump called Meghan Markle "nasty." Here is what he actually said. Listen for yourself!
Other social media users were quick to jump onto the statement, calling out the obvious hypocrisy.
HT Inquisitr
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