
Trump soundtracked by 'Live and Let Die' as he chooses to not wear a mask while on a tour of a mask factory

On Tuesday, Donald Trump was given a guided tour of a face mask factory in Arizona and opted not to wear a face mask.

You honestly couldn't make this stuff up...

The president was guided around Honeywell International Inc. which is producing N95 masks to help combat the spread of coronavirus.

Both the CDC and the White House has advised Americans to wear a mask that covers their mouths in public places but so far Trump and vice president Mike Pence, have chosen to ignore these rules, for no logical reason at all.

Although Trump did choose to wear eye goggles, which offer no protection against coronavirus, his choice to not wear a mask in the one place that he probably should of, just to show some support to the workers, is particularly mind-boggling, especially as he stood next to a box of them and tried to look interested.

In fairness to Trump, no one else in that picture is wearing a face mask, so make of that what you will...

CNN's Jim Acosta pointed out, Trump was in an area of the factory which clearly had a sign telling everyone 'face mask required in this area.'

We can only speculate as to why Trump continues to ignore these rules. Perhaps it's because his speech is hard to hear at the best of times?

However, the "chef's kiss" of this entire thing is that while Trump was being shown around the factory, the employees were listening to the Guns 'n' Roses cover of 'Live and Let Die,' which is a bit of a banger, to be fair.

The irony of a song with that name playing while the president clearly ignores safety guidelines as millions of his citizens become infected with a deadly virus didn't escape people.

Jokes aside, Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic continues to be eye-opening as a number of states across the US have started to reopen 'nonessential businesses' such as hair salons and restaurants.

Meanwhile, the United States is still the only country to record more than one million cases of coronavirus and more than 72,000 deaths, more than any other country in the world.

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