
Trump Jr posts shocking video furiously ranting about the ‘persecution’ of his father

Donald Trump Jr. has accused the Supreme Court of continuing the “political persecution” of his father after it declined a request from Donald Trump to hand over his tax records.

A New York Cityprosecutor has demanded the former president hands over his tax returns and financial records, which he’s been refusing to do for a number of years.

Trump Jr. branded the decision a “witch hunt”, complaining about the “harassment” of his father has continued past his term in office.

In a video posted on Rumble, the 43-year-old said: “Guys, the nonsense continues. The BS never ends.

“The political persecution of my father continues on because a grossly partisan attorney in New York finally got the Supreme Court to agree to their witch hunt allowing the release of my father’s tax returns.”

Trump Jr. accused the legal proceedings of “reeking” of the Chinese justice system, attacking anything that puts “America first”.

However, his frenzied video was met with some criticism with viewers arguing nobody, including the former president, should be above the law.

Throughout his run for presidency and years in office, Trump refused to comply with common practice, and release his financial records.

If he complies, the documents will not be made public since they will form part of a criminal investigation.

“At what point do you say: ‘this is a little too invasive’? It’s only about a political vendetta,” Trump Jr. argued.

He accused New York City prosecutors and the Supreme Court of being out to get his father “for years”, insisting they’ll get a win “even if [Trump] does nothing wrong”.

People were quick to point out, the Trump Jr. seemed rather concerned over the legal proceedings, a bizarre reaction given he argued his father’s innocence for many years.

As well as the investigation into his finances, a New York City state attorney general is also investigating the Trump Organisation for falsely inflating the value of the former president’s assets in order to access loans and tax benefits.

Prosecutors in Georgia are also looking into Trump’s attempts to pressure Republican officials into overturning his 2020 election defeat.

More: Why Trump’s exit speech was another example of the lengths he’ll go for pride

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